Industrial Asthma

Claims for Industrial Asthma

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Industrial Asthma

Industrial or occupational asthma occurs in many industries but the people most likely to suffer are:


  • Bakers (flour dust and enzymes)
  • Solderers (Rosin based solder flux)
  • Spray painters (isocyanate paints)
  • Woodworkers (wood dust)
  • Healthcare workers (latex gloves)
  • Laboratory animal workers (fur, feathers and dust)
  • Agricultural workers (grain and poultry dust, fungal spores)
  • Engineering workers (vapour and dust while machining)

Employers must assess the risk of exposure to substances which might cause injury or illness and control the risk by, for example, providing adequate ventilation, exhaust extraction and masks, as well as monitoring the health of their workers to make sure those measures are working.


We have successfully recovered compensation for clients suffering from asthma caused by their work and our lawyers can help you get the compensation you need to get on with your life.

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