7 Dangers Executors Need to Know

Securing an inheritance for your loved ones
Do you want to decide who inherits your assets when you die? If you don’t have a Will, the decision will be out of your hands.
Making a Will is essential if you want to make sure your estate goes to your loved ones.
If you don’t have a will, your house and other property may not all go to your surviving spouse or partner and your family could end up paying substantial amounts ofInheritance Tax which they might have been able to avoid or at least reduce.
Making a will need not be difficult and we can advise on the best way to ensure that your assets go to the right people and in the most tax efficient way.
If you have already made a Will, you should review it regularly to make sure it still reflects your current circumstances. For example, if you have since got married or entered into a civil partnership, an earlier Will won't be valid.
You can write your own Will or you can pay very little for someone to do it for you, but can you be sure it's been done right?
There are lots of “will writers” who offer wills at very low prices (and some at very high prices) but how can you be sure they are getting the Law right or that they will still be around when you die? We have dealt with several cases where the will writers have gone out of business and the wills they were holding cannot be found so that the estate can only be divided according to the"intestacy rules" which don't reflect what the deceased wanted at all.
Why trust your family’s inheritance to someone who isn’t legally qualified and isn’t insured if something goes wrong? Using a solicitor gives you peace of mind that your Will properly reflects your wishes, can be found when it is needed, and will stand up to scrutiny if someone contests it.
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